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Live World Sunlight Map - Peta Sinaran Matahari (Satelite View)

Friday, April 25, 2008

Simple drip Irrigation In 3rd World Country/Pengairan Titis Yang Mudah Di Negara Dunia Ke-3

Even though it has not rained for four months the gardens at Mtendere Children's Village in Lumbadzi, Malawi prosper. Thanks to drip irrigation systems from Chapin Watermatics in upstate New York. This simple drip Irrigation system has been taught to the rural Malawian farmer to overcome the drought problem in their farm. Through consistent watering on their plants by the means of gravity, no water has been waste because it drips the water rather than pouring it to the plant's soil. So, part of the modern Drip Irrigation concept has been implemented here for the benefits of the poor farmer. By this way, they will be expose to the precision method of modern farming

Walaupun tidak hujan selama hampir 4 bulan lamanya, kebun tanaman di kampung 'kanak-kanak' Mtendere di Lumbadzi, Malawi masih subur. Terima kasih kepada sistem pengairan titis dari Chapin Watermatics dari utara New York. Pengairan titis yang mudah ini telahpun diajarkan kepada petani2 di pedalaman Malawi untuk mengatasi masalah kemarau yang melampau di kebun mereka. Melalui pengairan yang berterusan tanpa terputus bekalan, dalam mengairi tanaman mereka melalui konsep graviti, air tidak dibazirkan walaupun sedikit kerana penitisan dilakukan dan bukannya menyiram terus pada setiap tanaman. Oleh itu sebahagian dari sistem pengairan titis yang moden telah didedahkan pada petani2 di sana.

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Drip Irrigation System of Precision Farming in the US modern farm

This method shows the system of the modern farming concept in which we used to call FERTIGATION (Fertilization and Irrigation) or Drip Irrigation whereby the hidroponic fertilizer (in the form of liquid and pre-determined concentration using the calibrated E.C meter) is transported through a P.E and Poly piping and end at the microtube dripper to individual unit of plant. By using this method, each plan is getting the same and consistent amount and also the same concentration of fertilizer and thus, optimise the fruitings

Perusahaan Hidroponik sayur Selada (Lettuce) skala besar di USA

Perusahaan Hidroponik penanaman sayur Selada berskala besar ini dirakam dari dokumentari di Discovery Channel