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Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Basic Needs For Fertigation 4 - Fertilizer ? Keperluan Asas fertigasi – Baja

Seen on a shelf a workbench in the University of Washington Botany Greenhouse. From left, sodium dihydrogen phosphate, potassium nitrate, dipotassium phosphate. Fertilizer? Food?

Passive Hydroponic and Fertigation is a method of growing plant using mineral nutrient solutions instead of soil. A practically inert wicking medium transports water and fertilizer to the root by capillary action. Medium for drip irrigation like perlite, gravel or Rockwool which contains a multitude of free air spaces and thus delivers oxygen to the roots. terrestrial plants is grown with their roots in the nutrient solutions or in this mediums. In Fertigation or drip irrigation and Hydroponic farming, the type of fertilizer is the same. The Fertilizer is formulated depending on the plant type and it contains balanced and complete plant nutrients for growth, induce flowering and enhance fruiting. The fertilizer is normally a foliar or in a liquid form because it is transported through irrigation system to each plant.

The basic components of Nutrients in Hydroponic Fertilization that is widely used in Malaysia are:
  • Nitrogen (N) - 280ppm
  • Phosphorus (P) - 40ppm
  • Potassium (K) -440ppm
  • Calcium (Ca) - 200ppm
  • Mg (Mg) - 55ppm
  • Manganese (Mn) - 0.5ppm
  • Ferum (Fe) - 2.5ppm
  • Boron (B) - 0.5ppm
  • Copper (Cu) - 0.02ppm
  • Zink (Zn) - 0.05ppm
  • Molybdenum (Mo) - 0.01ppm
*Sometimes, Humic Acid is also added to increase nutrients absorption by the roots. The pH of the nutrient stock is normally controlled at 6.1 (but it also depend on the pH of the media used).

Kaedah Hidroponik dan Fertigasi menggunakan sistem pembajaan nutrien dalam bentuk cecair ke setiap poin tanaman. Media yang terpilih digunakan sebagai medium untuk memegang sementara cecair baja ini untuk diserap secara optimum oleh kapilari akar pokok. Media seperti sabut, sekam, perlite, rockwool dan sebagainya mengandungi ruang-ruang udara yang juga memberikan bekalan oksigen kepada akar. Perlu diingat bahawa selain daun, akar juga memerlukan sejumlah oksigen yang tertentu untuk 'pernafasan'. Maka pemilihan media yang betul adalah sangat penting mengikut jenis akar dari jenis pokok yang berbeza. Dalam Fertigasi dan Hidroponik, jenis bajanya adalah sama, namun kandungan nutriennya adalah diformulasikan bergantung kepada jenis pokok. Jika pokok buah misalnya, memerlukan lebih baja K dan Mg untuk pembuahan pada usia pokok tertentu (selepas pendebungaan dan buah mula berputik). Bagi sayuran daun, unsur N adalah sangat penting. baja adalah dalam bentuk foliar (larutan dengan air) kerana ianya diagihkan ke pokok melalui kaedah irigasi titisan. Kepekatan bancuhan larutan baja + air disukat dengan menggunakan alat E.C Meter. kadar kepekatan baja diubah mengikut kadar pertumbuhan dan tahap keperluan tanaman.

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Drip Irrigation System of Precision Farming in the US modern farm

This method shows the system of the modern farming concept in which we used to call FERTIGATION (Fertilization and Irrigation) or Drip Irrigation whereby the hidroponic fertilizer (in the form of liquid and pre-determined concentration using the calibrated E.C meter) is transported through a P.E and Poly piping and end at the microtube dripper to individual unit of plant. By using this method, each plan is getting the same and consistent amount and also the same concentration of fertilizer and thus, optimise the fruitings

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