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Live World Sunlight Map - Peta Sinaran Matahari (Satelite View)

Saturday, April 26, 2008

How To Shape your Pumpkin & Watermelon?/ Bagaimana Hendak Membentuk Labu Mickey & Tembikai berbentuk Petak?

Everything is possible for modern farming, even to make your crops shape the way you want them to be (except to make watermelon or pumpkin to shape as durian, of course). It can be turn pretty costly too and believe it or not, it tastes sweeter. The secret is in the mould, a transparent durable polymer mould which is used to shape the fruit. Just see some of the examples below:

Mickey-shaped Pumpkin

To get the shape the pumpkins are grown within a mould. Apparently the pumpkins are so strong that when they grow larger they can break through the mould.

Square watermelon.

It costs 15000 yen, which roughly equals $146. That's right, one hundred and forty-six Dollars for one.

They are grown in clear square containers and are prized for the following:
1) The square shape makes them easy to store in small refrigerators,
2) They are grown one melon to a plant. That makes the melon INCREDIBLY tasty as all of the nutrients are concentrated on this one melon. That is also why it costs so much.


Ianya dibuat dengan menggunakan acuan khas dari plastik (polyethene) bersaiz 8" persegi empat sama dan bersifat lutsinar. Acuan ini kemudiannya diikat rapi supaya ianya tidak mudah pecah sekiranya buah itu membesar. Sekiranya anda bercadang hendak menanam tembikai, cubalah menghasilkan bentuk ini kerana harganya jauh lebih mahal dari yang berbentuk bulat. Kelebihannya juga adalah rasanya lebih manis kerana dari proses mampatan di dalam bekas tersebut, rasa manisnya lebih tersimpan. Ia juga lebih tahan lama dan tidak mudah rosak. Di samping itu, proses menyimpan juga sangat efektif berbanding yang bulat kerana setiap ruang dimanfaatkan dan oleh itu, kos pengakutan juga adalah rendah. Harganya di pasaran Jepun sampai mencecah 15000 yen atau RM400 sebiji. Anda boleh memesan acuannya dari kebanyakan kedai hardware atau kedai-kedai pembekal peralatan pertanian di Malaysia. Ianya telah menjadi suatu trend sekarang. Sesuatu yang unik dan baru, ada harganya tersendiri. sekiranya anda ingin mempelajari dengan lebih terperinci tentang teknik ini, dapatkan ebooknya di sini. Selamat mencuba

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Drip Irrigation System of Precision Farming in the US modern farm

This method shows the system of the modern farming concept in which we used to call FERTIGATION (Fertilization and Irrigation) or Drip Irrigation whereby the hidroponic fertilizer (in the form of liquid and pre-determined concentration using the calibrated E.C meter) is transported through a P.E and Poly piping and end at the microtube dripper to individual unit of plant. By using this method, each plan is getting the same and consistent amount and also the same concentration of fertilizer and thus, optimise the fruitings

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