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Live World Sunlight Map - Peta Sinaran Matahari (Satelite View)

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

of Hydroponic Farming / Transformasi Penanaman Hidroponik

Hydroponic farming has undergo a huge transformation in the way how it is implemented nowadays. Through R&D, there are many techniques has been revealed in order to get the highest return without compromising the quality of the crops. The texture of the fruits and vegetables are surprisingly better. Researchers has tried many ways to minimise the planting area and at the same time getting the highest yield. Finally, they come up with these. The distributions of nutrient to individual plants is done by advanced computerised irrigation system. This is indeed the future of farming


Hidroponik telah melalui transformasi yang pesat di dunia barat sekarang ini. melalui R&D, banyak teknik-teknik terkini telah dikenalpasti dalam usaha untuk mendapat hasil yang terbaik tanpa berkompromi terhadap kualiti. Buah-buahan boleh menjadi lebih besar, kadar 'brit' kemanisan boleh ditingkatkan dan sayur-sayuran boleh dijadikan lebih lazat, rangup dan tekstur yang lebih baik. Para pengkaji telah menemui cara-cara untuk mengurangkan ruang penanaman dan meningkatkan hasil. Pengagihan nutrien dilakukan dengan menggunakan sistem irigasi berkomputer yang tercanggih. Malah mereka menggunakan sistem getaran atau vibrasi untuk proses pendebungaan tanpa perlu menggunakan ejen serangga atau angin yang tidak konsisten. Inilah yang dikatakan pertanian masa depan

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Drip Irrigation System of Precision Farming in the US modern farm

This method shows the system of the modern farming concept in which we used to call FERTIGATION (Fertilization and Irrigation) or Drip Irrigation whereby the hidroponic fertilizer (in the form of liquid and pre-determined concentration using the calibrated E.C meter) is transported through a P.E and Poly piping and end at the microtube dripper to individual unit of plant. By using this method, each plan is getting the same and consistent amount and also the same concentration of fertilizer and thus, optimise the fruitings

Perusahaan Hidroponik sayur Selada (Lettuce) skala besar di USA

Perusahaan Hidroponik penanaman sayur Selada berskala besar ini dirakam dari dokumentari di Discovery Channel