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Live World Sunlight Map - Peta Sinaran Matahari (Satelite View)

Monday, April 28, 2008

Problems in Drip Irrigation/Fertigation - Clogging / Masalah dalam Fertigasi - Penitis Tersumbat

This is specially critical for drip systems that must be kept free from suspended solids and microorganisms that plug the small orifices in the emitters or driper. In the case of clogging of the drip system by bicarbonate precipitation the use of fertilizers with acid reaction partially corrects this problem. However, acid fertilizers cause corrosion of the metallic components of the irrigation system and damage the cement and asbest pipes. Therefore, the periodic injection of acid in the fertigation system is recommended in order to dissolve the precipitates and to unclog the drippers. The following acids can be used phosphoric, nitric, sulfuric and chlorhydric. In the West, HCl is widely used due to its low cost. Acid injection through the system will also remove bacteria, algae and slime. The irrigation and injection system should be carefully washed after the injection of acid.

In Asian countries like Malaysia however, this method is unknown. What is being done to solve this problem is manually unplug the driper from microtube and wash it in water. For us, we usually use toothbrush to clean the driper from sediments or unwanted items that clogg the driper. After it is thoroughly clean, then plug back the driper to the microtube. This old method is not practical in a huge fertigation plantation and add costs in terms of labour. So, the best way is still the injection of acid substance in the fertigation system.

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Drip Irrigation System of Precision Farming in the US modern farm

This method shows the system of the modern farming concept in which we used to call FERTIGATION (Fertilization and Irrigation) or Drip Irrigation whereby the hidroponic fertilizer (in the form of liquid and pre-determined concentration using the calibrated E.C meter) is transported through a P.E and Poly piping and end at the microtube dripper to individual unit of plant. By using this method, each plan is getting the same and consistent amount and also the same concentration of fertilizer and thus, optimise the fruitings

Perusahaan Hidroponik sayur Selada (Lettuce) skala besar di USA

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